We're honored to enhance the menu design for "Yi Pin Ma La Xiang Guo" in Southern Malaysia. Thanks to our client's trust, we had creative freedom in planning and execution. A well-designed menu is crucial for a great first impression. Our meticulous process, despite a full day of shooting, led to an enjoyable experience. Special thanks to the owner for introducing us to their unique dishes, especially the signature spicy hot pot.
For spice lovers, this is a paradise! Their hot pot strikes a perfect balance of spice and fragrance, setting it apart. Don't miss out on this flavorful experience! Visit "Yi Pin Ma La Xiang Guo" today!
全员都是大吃货的我们有幸得获得南马一家连锁中式餐厅 “一品麻辣香锅 的邀请为其品牌menu 视觉设计升级。在此要非常感谢全体台前幕后的伙伴们也感激客户给予的信任与支持,放手让我们策划与发挥。
我们都坚信,往往menu 就是顾客对饮食品牌认知的第一印象。因此,从策划到拍摄,到餐牌设计,我们一刻都不敢马虎。虽然拍摄当日,前后拍摄了将近8-9个小时,中间也出现了一些小状况。但过程是非常开心的。也感谢老板亲自介绍他们的特色食品,也邀请大家品尝了他们的招牌麻辣香锅。
他们家的麻辣香锅的确值得推荐。据说老板本身也是位麻辣控,为此还特地飞到中国拜师学艺(好像去了趟少林寺酱),也因此他们的出品与之前所吃过的相比,他们的的 辣 与 香 是真的达到了互相平衡的水平。够香!辣度可以依据个人喜好调整。